Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Rapid Reviews - Movie Night

X2: X-Men United: Finally saw this, now that hubby-Eric is insisting on a movie night to get through our backlog of DVDs. I'm never in the mood to watch a movie until ten minutes into it, so when he says, "let's watch a DVD!" I'm always unethusiastic. So we're working it into our schedule. And so we finally watched the DVD of X2 we've had sitting around for a long time. Let's see... I really like the character of Nightcrawler, and I think they did a great job of bringing him to life. Wolverine is always a fun one to watch. It's actually remarkable, having seen Hugh Jackman in other things now, how well he plays Wolverine. The plot moved along nicely... maybe even better than the first movie, yeah. Overall, very enjoyable. 4 starfish