Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Random Thoughts

Packing packing packing, and cleaning... Trying to get ready for our nice little road trip down to central California. Once again, no, I'm not going to San Diego this year. And after hearing some of the horror stories about hotel rooms, I'm just as glad. Eric and I had trouble last time we went, with the Clarion, and I'm not eager to ever relive that experience.

I am headed down to Asilomar for the Winkie Convention, which is a gathering of Wizard of Oz fans who live in the Western United States. I'm not an Oz fan like my husband, but I'll have fun anyway.

We also got this week's comics, though we aren't sure when we'll have time to read them. We'll throw them in the backseat and hope to get some reading done along the way, I guess. We got Batman Adventures, Birds of Prey, Smallville, DC Presents Green Lantern, Outsiders, Plastic Man, Seaguy, Demo, Ursula (yay!), Simpson's Classic, Previews, and Superman Birthright. Birthright is due out next week. We could have also snagged Green Lantern and JLA, but we had so much already we didn't bother.

Lisa, my sister, will start guest-blogging and Buffy-marathoning sometime Friday afternoon. Tomorrow is likely to only have my morning blog entry, unless the hotel we stop at on the way down ends up having wireless in the rooms.

For those of you going to San Diego: If there is any free promotion for Aquaman at the DC booth, please pick it up for me. I'll pay you shipping and something extra for your time. Since I have serious doubts that there will be anything, this is a pretty safe request... Also, if you have time, stop by Eric Shanower's booth (Hungry Tiger Press, #2008) and say hi for me. If you've got money, I recommend getting Age of Bronze.

There's a mystery hanging out in Harford Count, Maryland. Boing Boing has a theory as to what it is, but no one seems to know for sure. Yet.

Via Boing Boing, a crazy animated GIF background. Worth a stare or two.

Hubby found a hilarious page of suggested responses to people who constantly ask "When are you going to have children?" It's on Annie's Mailbox, in the July 19th column. I particularly like the one from the SciFi Fan: "When are you going to have kids?" Answer: "You mean you can't see them?"

There was an Aquaman reference on Jeopardy on Tuesday. One of the challengers was introduced as a comic book fan, like KenJen. Only the poor guy collected "Howard the Duck". When Alex got to KenJen, he asked about an undersea hero with a pointy head maybe called "Aquaman or Aqua-marine?" I'm pretty sure he was talking about Namor. Figures that Alex would be a Marvel fan.

Via Tom (Thanks Tom!) from the Jeopardy message boards, here's a transcript of the important bit. Christopher was a sacrificial vic-- er, challenger who was a "Howard the Duck" fan:

Alex: "Now, help me out on this. When I was growing up, I remember a comic book featuring Aquaman or Aquamarine, a guy who had a pointy chin and solved crimes. But he was always in the water. Do you recall that?"
Ken: "Could've been Aquaman ... was he blonde?"
Alex: "No".
Ken: "Dark hair. The Sub-Mariner?"
Alex: "Sub-Mariner?"
Christopher: "Maybe."
Ken, gesturing toward Christopher: "We'll have a little nerd conference and get back to you."
Alex: "He's taken over the show, you notice? All right, pick up your signaling button and -- when you're ready -- at your leisure, make a selection. I'm here for you, remember."

If you live in the Seattle area, remember to bring your camera and go to the Ballard Locks on Sunday, August 1st, at 1 pm for a peaceful (and perfectly legal) protest against the abuse of Ian Spiers and Homeland Security laws.

Speaking of Ian, here's a link to A Legal Handbook for Photographers. This gives the basic rights of photographers under the current laws of the United States.

And lastly, here's a picture from Nancy's Garden.