Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ha! Not-So-Random Thoughts!

The Seattle Times claims that if you mention Chris Pirillo on your blog, he'll turn up and comment. I somehow doubt that.

Speaking of comments, I have been getting a TON of poker related spam comments lately. Every time I check my comments I have half a dozen pieces of spam in there. Anyone else suffering from this, or is it just some side-effect of having comment moderation turned on?

Go check out the Mirrormask trailer as linked from Neil Gaiman's journal. I suddenly want to see it.

The new Doctor Who has been so successful, a THIRD SEASON has already been announced. Rock on! NOTE: Do NOT read the end of the article I've linked to unless you want the last episode of the first season spoiled. No, I didn't read the spoilers.

Shane is linkblogging again.

Trash Heap says always turn off autoplay.

New webcomic Starting Point is worth checking out, if only to giggle at the audacity of using mostly stick figures in a webcomic... on the other hand, the backgrounds are surprisingly good, and there is a penguin.

Dark Horse comics for September, Image comics for September.

Dark, But Shining gets Grimm.

The folks at Dorothy start teasing.

Astronomy Picture of the Day is ten years old.

The Tsunami Scare (see Holy Frak!) exposed flaws in the system. And I thought I'd just mention that I like saying "Holy Frak!" Frak Frak Frak Frak!

Ever wanted to perform an autopsy? There's a Virual Autopsy page available. No, it won't show you anything really gross, just the stats of the case so you can determine the cause of death, and images of the organs.

Interesting irony: "Two middle school students who spent months working on a science project to prove how dangerous BB guns can be were disqualified from the state middle school science fair -- because BB guns are too dangerous." Sigh. The kids do all that work and then are told they can't compete. As the article points out, somebody should have nipped this one in the bud rather than let them do all the work then tell them to stop. Via Boing Boing

Republicans hate Sesame Street. (and even Snopes weighs in)

Meanwhile, the BBC's free Beethoven downloads are proving popular.

Remix some pictures, get a visit from the SS. Hey, free speech isn't a right anymore, you know. You could be a terrorist who remixes pictures! Via Boing Boing.

God Bless Senator Durbin, for telling it like it is. Anyone who criticizes his statement clearly feels guilty about something. As for myself, I just have to keep reading this article and reminding myself that those who criticize Durbin for speaking the truth, no matter how odious their behavior, are still human.