Monday, September 19, 2005

Hey, I Can Blog About Comics

Keith Giffen on 52* at Newsarama. Count me as one of the skeptical ones. But worse, even if the book is good, we just don't have the money to buy a weekly comic book if the price is the usual for a comic. Adding four or five comics to our monthly bill, just for this event, would probably break the bank.

Speaking of breaking the bank, Mark Evanier has a blog entry about comics as loss-leader. It's really depressing to think that mainstream American comic books can't turn a profit, especially when you look at Manga and some of the indies that must be profitable.

I think that Phil and Kaja Foglio are on to something, as Girl Genius clearly must make money... and see my earlier thoughts entry on my wish to see other books in the Girl Genius format of three new pages a week. Heck, I would love to see some superhero books like that, with collections every few months...

And I'm still really excited that GirlAMatic will soon have a "webcomic" by Rachel Hartman. I hope this will lead to her bringing back Amy Unbounded. She left the last issue on a cliffhanger. At least she can talk like a pirate. Arrr!

Johnny B has a good blog about Brian Clopper's Far-Fetchers: Opening Salvo. Go check it out.

David Hahn is posting sketches on his blog.

Comics Should Be Good tackles DC Solicits by the covers. I like this approach.

However, Kevin Melrose notes in the comments of my last post that the Aquaman cover has THE WRONG HAND as the mystic water hand.

It's Aquaman's left hand, not his right. It's a little difficult to tell if you just glance at the image, but it's definitely wrong. Unless something happens in the next couple of issues to switch him around... I wonder if it will be fixed before the book comes out, and if so, whether it will be recolored or mirrored?

I continue to have fun with Google Print and Aquaman, including learning that Kurt Cobain drew Aquaman as a child (Heavier than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain), there was a Cartoon Network ad with Aquaman trying to talk to a dead fish in a supermarket (The One Show Annual: Volume 24), and surfers know about Aquaman (Staying on Top and Keeping the Sand Out of Your Pants: A Surfer's Guide to the Good Life (look at the illustrator)).

And lastly, real-life speech balloons.