Monday, September 19, 2005

DC Solicits for December

Ooops! I almost let the new DC solicits get by me today! It's all because I was caught up reading a book I got from the library, which is turning out to be really interesting (I'm less than halfway in, but I can recommend it to anyone who likes history and detective work), and thus distracted me from the all-important checking of the new solicits.

You can get most of the solicits here at DC Comics' site. You can also find them at Comic Book Resources, Newsarama, and Comixfan.

I'm sure you all want to hear what I think of the latest Aquaman solicit.

Well, let me think...

Not much. It's part of the annoying DC-wide crossover. That alone is enough to irritate me. I guess I'm glad that the Spectre is finally noticing Atlantis, but I kind of wish all that had happened in the mini-series instead of splashing all over the Aquaman title. I'll just have to wait and see if its any good, since my opinions on Arcudi's run are slowly changing.

However, Tales to Mildly Astonish has THE best response to the Aquaman solicit.

As for the rest of DC... I'm not interested in the All-Star stuff. Nice to see that the arc in Detective is finally ending. True Brit is coming out in softcover. Justice #3 just looks good. JLA: Classified gets its own mini-series. I don't know about that. DC making us buy more books, grrr. Solo this time is Teddy Kristiansen, with a Deadman story by Neil Gaiman. Justice League Unlimited is a Christmas special. Second issue of DMZ. DC Direct has Silver Age Superman stuff, including Beppo. There's also some odd Mystery Box set of figures that appear to be annoying if you only want one figure. Good thing there's no Aquaman merchandise this month.