Monday, September 19, 2005

Shiver me Timbers and Blow the Blog Down

Today is the last day of Holy Pasta Week!

Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"

FilkerTom has the song for Talk Like A Pirate Day. And Speed Bump is pirate-related today, too. As is Savage Chickens. Dave has a pirate joke. Polite Scott has a rundown of pirate comic books. Boing Boing walks the plank. Arr. Ramen.

Polite Scott has continued to build up his Comic Book Drug Reference, but I think he's missing at least one Atlantean drug...

One of my favorite comic strips mentions Aquaman, sort of.

Neat promo for Local #1.

Websnark talks about Girl Genius and the incredible success the Foglios have had moving from print to webcomic. Imagine, just for a moment, if some other great comic books moved to the web like Girl Genius has... consistent updates, three pages a week, of your favorite comic books with collections to buy every year. Just imagine how cool that would be.

Hubby-Eric and I had some fun with Google Print by putting in search terms like our last name. I found one book that showed up under both my name and when I searched for "Aquaman", but it wouldn't show me the page that my name was on! Argh!

I forgot to post Johnny B's Fearless Pigskin Prognosications. He was wrong about Seattle this week... barely.

Space Elevator Gets FAA Clearance. Sort of.

Two more Named Storms are out in the Atlantic. Hurricane Philippe and tropical storm Rita. The National Hurricane Center is running out of names.

Millions, perhaps even billions, of dollars have been stolen in Iraq. Money earmarked to rebuild the country. Lovely. Is there anyone in charge over there? Did we ever have any real plan beyond "They will welcome us with flowers in the streets and everyone will live happily ever after"???!?

If you thought the results of the last election were fishy, you aren't alone. As long as Diebold, a completely partisan company that promised to deliver votes to Shrubya, makes voting machines, no election that uses those machines can be considered valid.